Magnets Attract or Repal !

A Magnets  has a north pole and ( N ) and South Pole (S)
A magnet has two poles namely, north pole (N-pole) and south pole (S-pole). When the N-pole of a magnet is placed near the N-pole of another magnet, the poles will repel or push away each other. The outcome will be the same if the S-pole of a magnet is placed near the S-pole of another magnet. They will only attract or pull each other if the N-pole of the magnet is placed close to the S-pole of another magnet.

Another way of explaining i.e. different poles or unlike poles of two magnets brought near each other, the magnets will attract. When the same poles or like poles of two magnets brought near each other, the magnets will repel.

Magnets will repals each otner if the poles are the same.

Magnet will attract each other if the pole are different.